Gulf Coast Confidential with Mollye Barrows

That’s the Effing Liver!’ Florida Investigates Doctor Accused of Mistakenly Removing Man’s Live

Mollye Barrows Season 5 Episode 11
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Here’s the shakedown and breakdown of the latest Dr. Thomas Shaknovsky wrong site surgery. The doctor is under investigation and has had his medical license suspended by the Florida Dept. of Health after he allegedly mistakenly removed a man’s liver instead of his spleen, two easily identifiable organs for a health care professional.

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration launched a ten-day investigation to better understand why he could allegedly make such a deadly, egregious error in the operating room during a what should have been a straightforward surgery.

Join us as we break down the state’s report to understand this incredulous case and what others in the operating room had to say about it in the latest episode of Gulf Coast Confidential podcast, “That’s the effing liver.”


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