Gulf Coast Confidential with Mollye Barrows
Gulf Coast Confidential with Mollye Barrows
Reverse Robin Hood Jamey Noel: The Sheriff who Stole from the People to get His
Money is no object, especially when it’s not yours. That seemed to be the philosophy of former Indiana Sheriff Jamey Nole who was also once the star of his own reality television show on prisons, “60 Days In.”
Even though he was the highest paid public official in his county at just under $200,000 a year, he was living like he made $2 million a year because he was misappropriating money meant for the community like EMS ambulance service, and the fire department, as well as using county resources, like inmate labor, to work on his home and rental properties, and collection of classic cars.
Noel was so brazen about his corruption, he even paid his mistress’s child support with the stolen money, and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on vacations and shopping sprees for his wife and daughter, who are also implicated in the fraudulent scheme.
Before Noel was finally busted most people were afraid to confront the politically powerful sheriff who had been besties with the governor and thought he was untouchable, until he wasn’t.
Join us for details on how he was caught in the latest episode of the Gulf Coast Confidential podcast, “Reverse Robin Hood Jamey Noel: The Sheriff who Stole from the People to get His.”